Friday, April 21, 2006

Wagon Train Adventure

What’s that sound? Indians are attacking the wagon train! Adventure in the Yellowstone takes on a new meaning when you sign on for a wagon train ride. As the Indians whirled around us, our eyes were bright with excitement. Morgan, my son, and I had decided to get out of town. He was 9 and I longed for an adventure that didn’t involve roller coasters.

We had signed on for a 5-day Wagon Train through the Tetons of Wyoming into the silence forest and mountains of the Yellowstone. Our group had been riding in the wagon half the day when the Indians arrived. They whooped and brandishing guns as they galloped their painted horses around us. I couldn’t stop laughing, but Morgan wasn’t sure if he had to defend us or just enjoy it. As the Indians jumped off their horses they offer the wagon train pioneers a decorative peace pipe and we all sat down to a campfire dinner. After dinner we were handed our tents. Morgan and I struggled with the process until I begged one of the cowboy’s assistance. With a little training, we got the hang of it.

Our group was from all over America and even a family from Switzerland. We blended in with the group and listened late into the night to the cowboy songs floating over the wind. It had always been a secret dream to go on a wagon train as the pioneers had done and I slept great even though we had been warned of bears and scorpions.

The next morning we trudged in our boots and hats to the chuck wagon for breakfast. Today we would ride horses into the timbers of tall sweet smelling pine.

High into the hills we came upon a small lake with two white swans drifting over the blue reflecting pool.

Everywhere we looked was absolutely breathtaking. I couldn’t stop smiling. That night a mountain man arrived and we were treated to stories of the old West and the kids were allowed to try to hold the heavy musket. As the following day dawned, I saw taller mountains and the horses strained to haul the wagons upward to our next camp.

When we rested at lunch, some of the group scouted out the high cliffs where Morgan and I saw phenomenal canyons and peaks. As we got back to camp the Pony Express rider was just galloping around the corner.

What fun! Adventure vacations with kids can be a special lasting memory. For more information you might try:

Jackson Hole, Wyoming 83002-0307
or (307) 734-6101
FAX (208) 787-3435

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